CBS' reality TV show Kid Nation, due for release mid-September, 2007 has 40 kids aged 8 to 15 living together for 40 days in an abandoned New Mexico town, with no adults. The program offers a modern day version of William Golding's "Lord of the Flies". Can children can create an effective society on their own?
From a social psychological point of view, the program stands to offer a fascinating examination and example of theories such as our social selves, prejudice, group processes, leadership, communication, and so on.
From an experiential education point of view, it will be interesting to see how well the children were able to adapt and learn without direct adult guidance.
Currently, however, the show is attracting considerable media and legal attention, with claims of violating children's human rights. See this current google news search, with article headlines such as:
- CBS should pull plug on "Kid" reality show
- Leave the kids alone
- Show accused of exploiting children
- Critics slam new kids reality TV show
- Elements of 'Kid Nation' detestable
- Did CBS Neglect the Kid Nation Kids?
For more info, also see Kid Nation on Wikipedia.
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